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August 7, 2003

(603) 798-4350

AUGUST 7, 2003

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Stan Brehm, Ron Lesieur, Mike Stamowlaros, Joanna McIntosh, Fred Chagnon, Peter Wade, Brad Towle, Skip Lawrence and Secretary Andrea Deachman


Mike Tardiff spoke with the Board about the Route 4 Corridor Study, the map Mr. Tardiff presented explains the uses on Route 4 and segregates where different business work well and where residences are now, the study is continuing and there will be many recommendation to the state for the up coming Route 4 changes.

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and asked the members of the Board to review the minutes of July 10, 2003.

Page 4 correction to the Mahlstedt/Goosebay discussion: first paragraph to read: Mr. Mahlstedt explained to the Board that he would like to add on a 32’ & 24 ½’ porch to the office building. He also would like to add a storage shed.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the change.

        McIntosh/Chagnon        (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING: James Mullaney
        Map 2, Lots 67 & 77,
        Connamara Drive & Bailey Road
Continued from July 10, 2003

Abutters present: Ray & Janet Labbe, Ray Houle, Bruce Lloyd, Shirley Waters, Mike & Gail Stamowlaros.

Mr. Mullaney presented plans to the Board. Mr. Mullaney is of strong opinion that he is not subject to the wetlands ordinance. Chairman Scott agreed to research his concern.  Mr. Mullaney would like to request waivers for site specific, wetlands, and road bonding. At this time the Board did not feel waivers were in order, if Mr. Mullaney could not meet the deadlines he would need to request an extension in writing for Board review and approval.

Need discussion with road agent on base coat pavement while development is in construction phase as long as a bond remains in effect until the final pavement is applied.

Board members and abutters are very concerned about Bailey Road with the construction traffic. Mr. Mullaney will be responsible for any damage done to Bailey Road during construction of the new roads.

Abutters are concerned with the entire project, would like the town to enforce no vehicles parked on Bailey Road and limit the hours of operation on the road.

Mr. Mullaney will be required to buffer the Labbe property to include but not limited to moving the driveway and stone wall and place a buffer suitable to the Labbe’s such as evergreen to shade headlights.

Mr. Mullaney will also be responsible for 50% not to exceed $25,000.00 for the paving of Bailey Road, from the point where the new pavement after the development which is shown on his plan, to Horse Corner Road, after his project is complete and he is placing the final grade of pavement on the new roads.

Mr. Mullaney would like to phase the project in three sections and will provide the phasing on the plan for recording.

Conservation Commission is concerned with the Federal Storm Water approval and conservation easements and wants to know who will monitor the easements. Conservation commission was also requesting mitigation from Mr. Mullaney and Mr. Mullaney mentioned that they could have the $10,000.00 given to the town from Phase I, Chairman Scott insisted that this was money given to the town for Phase I.

Note on the plan for the elimination of Connamara Drive Cul-de-sac and all notes from the town engineer to be addressed on the final plan.

Motion was made to accept the project with the following: State Permits, septic, site specific, wetlands and resolution for the Labbe property and hours of construction.

         Brehm/Lawrence         (Passed)


        Site Review – additions
        Map 5, Lot 64, Suncook Valley Road
No abutters present.

Mr. Holmes presented plans for the reconstruction of his business, he has replaced the existing garage with storage and retail sales.

He has more than ample parking.

Motion was made to accept the Site Review.

        Lesieur/Lawrence                (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:          Carl Mahlstedt/Goosebay Lumber
                Site Review – Storage Shed
                Map 4, Lot 157, Dover Road

Mr. Mahlstedt presented the Board with plans for a storage shed attached to the existing sales building.

There is some issue with a parcel of land that is in the middle of Mr. Mahlstedt property which seem to be located improperly on the tax map. The Board suggested that he have his surveyor research the issue and fix. The Board is requesting property lines and current abutters be fixed on the plan.

Design Review closed.

PUBLIC HEARING:   Carl Mahlstedt/Goosebay Lumber
                Site Review – Storage Shed
                Map 4, Lot 157, Dover Road

No abutters present.

Mr. Mahlstedt presented plans to the Board.

The Board requests property lines and current abutters be fixed on the plan.

Motion was made to accept the Site Review with the changes.

        Brehm/Stamowlaros               (Passed)


DISCUSSION:             John Locke/Luke Smith Owner
                Site Review – Auto Sales & Detailing
                Map 2, Lot 87A, Dover Road

Mr. Locke spoke with the Board about Auto Sales & detailing on this property, after discussion Mr. Locke felt that the amount of wetlands on the property would prohibit him developing the parcel due to the wetlands ordinance.
DISCUSSION:             Del Vermette
                Home Occupation
         Map 9, Lot 17, Swiggey Brook Road

Mr. Vermette explained to the Board that he moved into his house in 1995 and was given a building permit in 1997 for the house and the shop. Then he bought a building in 2001 went to the building inspector to find out what he needed to attach it to the existing shop and he was told he was all set he didn’t need anything.

He explained that the existing shop was already there when he bought the property and he did not add on any closer to the lot line. He added onto the other side of the shop therefor he has not violated the setback regulation.

Mr. Vermette and his wife run the business and they deliver to select stores for them to sell the product. Some of the stores come and pick up the items that they have ordered. It is all wholesale at this time.

Regulations were reviewed and discussed. The town map was reviewed and the Board was in agreement that Mr. Vermette’s home appears to be located in the Residential Zone, therefor the Board will proceed with home occupation in the residential zone with a Public Hearing for September 2003.

DISCUSSION:             Shaw Property
                Map 5, Lot 8-3

Discussion was to ask the previous and new owners to meet with the Board for discussion.


The Board will bring the new wording to the Town at town meeting in March.

If you have lived in town for the last 10 consecutive years and you are 62 or older and building a primary residence for yourself.



Brad Towle made the nomination of Tracy Scott for Chairman, Skip Lawrence Seconded the nomination and Tracy accepted the nomination, All were in favor. Tracy Scott remains as Planning Board Chairman.

Other Business:

Stan Brehm spoke with the town attorney and was informed that the Board needs to follow growth ordinance for Condos also.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Brehm/Towle             (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:20pm

                Respectfully submitted,

                Tracy Scott